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Richard Schultz

Richard Schultz

  • Professor
Dr. Schultz's research interests are in restoration ecology and watershed management. He is the leader of the Agroecology Issue Team of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. This team is developing riparian management systems that improve stream water quality and terrestrial and aquatic habitat by using multi-species riparian buffers, stream bank bioengineering, in-stream structures, constructed wetlands, and intensively managed riparian grazing best management practices to reduce non-point source pollution. Dr. Schultz's specific interests in these practices include soil and plant interactions to improve soil quality and hydrologic processes.

Area of Expertise: Riparian zone management systems

Contact Info

242 Science 2
2310 Pammel Dr.
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  • B.S. (Forestry (Forest Management)), 1965, Iowa State University
  • M.S. (Forest Biology), 1968, Iowa State University
  • Ph.D. (Forest Biology), 1970,Iowa State University